Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ramos and his deep thoughts on Omiya

Nikkan sports had a small article about the upcoming Guam scrimmage between Tokyo Verdy and Omiya, which features former Verdy players Daigo and Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Yukio Tsuchiya, and Naoto Sakurai while Verdy has former squirrel Shin Kanazawa.

Herr Ramos stated that he admired the way Omiya played football (via he could be talking about anything) and that he wanted the team to emulate the Omiya rise to J1.

Well, here's a tip Rui, if you see this fat Brazilian sack of crap and he tells you he is a world class forward who has the speed of a gazelle, the grace of a swan, and the the mad skills of Pele........RUN AWAY! VERY FAST! Maybe even not so fast because he was rather slow and plodding.
Liovnir "TUTO" Ruschel, don't think I forgot what an offense killer you truly are.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

In the interests of keeping the internet clean of offensive images may I humbly request that picture of a frankly disturbed looking Tuto is never shown again!
I'm already sick of seeing his ugly mush on my Ardija calendar every morning!
Has there ever been a more ugly (or for that matter slow and useless) player?